Saturday, April 10, 2010

Great Day – Natural History Museum – London England
This is an absolutely beautiful building and the shades and tones of my photo captures the feel of the afternoon winter sun filtering in. It was late November and the school children in their uniforms add that sense of wonder to the scene as they all gaze transfixed on the dinosaur skeleton. This is in the main hall as you enter the building. Kellee and I were there to see the 2008 Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibit while Sig and Martin toured the British War Museum. What a great day wandering around looking at stunning photos in that quiet exhibition hall. We later joined the guys at a cool London lounge then on to dinner before heading back to the flat down by the Millennium stadium.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Parents were invented to make children happy by giving them something to ignore.
- Ogden Nash
When I came across this quote, this universal truth, by Ogden Nash, I can’t tell you how relieved I felt. There was one person in this world that knew what I experienced. This little picture of Alix when she was about 2 years old says it all and obviously from the state of her outfit, I was a little late in catching up with her. “No, don’t touch! Oh, what the hell ... go for it.” I was soon resigned to my fate of years of being ignored - even to this day. Alix brought home 2 kittens two years ago June as a “surprise” for me. Ignoring the fact that we had had a welcomed reprieve from house cats for almost 24 months, she decided it was time to liven things up a little... new leather couches be damned. Now, as Lily and Cora’s 2nd birthday approaches, I’m still fighting to get the kitty litter changed. See that look in this photo, I get that with a few good expletives from a now 18 year old. Another old saying ... “the more things change, the more they stay the same”.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Foothills Drive

On a scorching, hot day two summers past, we came to our senses and put aside the usual farm chores, hopped in the truck heading south towards the Porcupine Hills. The scenery can be breathtaking in its own stark way. Not much in the way of trees but the beauty of the rolling hills and distant ranches make up for the lack of foliage. I got out of the truck to set up my camera to take in the undulating landscape spread out before the mountains when these two local busy bodies trotted up to the fence to check us out. I’m sure that in this remote landscape we were the only excitement they’d seen for days. In true equine fashion they scoped us out and decided that we were definitely worth getting a closer look at, for sure!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Changin’ It Up!
Every once in a while we need to change it up a bit. The ruts we create for ourselves are self imposed gates. Sometimes the gates take too much energy to open, other times they just need a little imagination to figure out.
This picture reminded me that often a change is just needed to clear the mind, shake off the cobwebs and move in a more creative direction. Michaela decided to “change it up” for Walsh by taking him from the jumper ring and his English tack, to racing around the barrels. He seems to enjoy it and he looks content in this picture taken on Easter weekend, 2010. I’m going to figure out something that I need to change up over the next month and see if there is a difference in my energy, my outlook or just myself. I want to look back on May 1st and see a difference.